Hi Bargain Hunters! We're Back! After a hiatus (half the team was busy getting their academia on), we are proud to announce our first sale for 2015. #43 Waterhall Terrace, St. James was home to a wonderful British couple for over 12 years. Although they've sold the property they promise they'll be coming back to our shores as often as possible. In the meantime they have a house full of bargains that need to be SOLD!

So come on out this Saturday and Sunday (9th and 10th) from 9am - 5pm each day to pick up some great treats. A partial list (lots more stuff being added daily) is as follows; Three piece suit, Antique Sheraton styled desk, Queen Workbench bed with Sealy mattress,

Bedside cabinets, Book shelves, Phantom dinghy with full sail!, Television cabinet, Antique Hall mirror, Persian, Turkish and Peruvian rugs, Vintage single iron bed, 2 Futons, Bunk beds, Pierced honey comb wooden screen, Baize topped card table, Hundreds of books, Cd's, and Dvd's, Lamps, Caned Occasional table, Caned mahogany chair straight back chair, 18th century French tilt top wine table, assorted power Tools, Plants, Childrens' beach toys, Linens and rugs, Full complement of kitchen appliances, utensils and crockery, UK and International adult and children's clothing and accessories, Car seats and cots, Patio furniture, Mahogany coffee table, Silver decorative items, Loads of framed international Artwork, Antique rocking chair, Basket chairs, T.V. and Dvd player,
Directions: Travelling north from Lancaster on Highway 2A, take the right towards Apes Hill at the Westmoreland Church of the Nazarene. Take the first left near the bus stop. Take the left at the t-Junction and follow the road around to #43 Waterhall Terrace at the corner.